The Bottom Line Upfront

Renowned AI researcher Andrej Karpathy has proposed the idea of using large language models (LLMs) as interstellar messengers to communicate with potential alien civilizations. While he acknowledges that the idea is "just for fun," Karpathy's influential profile in the field may inspire future exploration of this concept.

The Breakdown

  • The concept of using AI chatbots as interstellar messengers raises questions about the potential for communication with extraterrestrial life and the ethical considerations involved.
  • Karpathy suggests modifying LLMs like OpenAI's ChatGPT to operate in space and potentially communicate with alien civilizations.
  • He proposes a two-step plan, first adapting the code to meet safety standards and then using the LLM as an AI ambassador in space.
  • Karpathy's idea of using AI chatbots as interstellar messengers is a thought experiment that explores the possibility of communicating with alien civilizations. While it may be challenging to implement and raises safety and ethical concerns, it opens up new avenues for interstellar communication and knowledge exchange.