The Air Force is using a new authority granted by Congress to launch two development programs ahead of the next budget cycle. These programs aim to improve GPS capabilities and track moving targets, fulfilling the quick-start initiative outlined in the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act.

The Bottom Line Upfront 

This budgetary first allows the Air Force to respond to emerging threats and leverage technological advancements without being limited by the traditional budget process. It provides flexibility and agility in addressing national security priorities.

The Breakdown

The Air Force will initiate two programs under the new authority:

 Resilient, national GPS position, navigation, and timing capability.

 Command, control, and communications battle management for moving target indication.

The new authority was initially requested with a budget of $300 million per year, but Congress reduced it to $100 million in the final NDAA.

The funds for these programs will be taken from under-executing or low-priority efforts, ensuring efficient allocation of resources.