The Army Special Operations Forces (SOF) have launched a developing program called the Robotics and Unmanned Systems Integration Course (RUSIC), which aims to train drone operators and prepare them to instruct partner forces on unmanned systems. The Special Warfare magazine by the Defense Department's January issue notes that the program aims to develop past its roots as a pilot program launched in 2021, and "holistically and systematically" address the rapid development of technological advancement in unmanned warfare systems.

The six-week course covers topics such as drone regulations, flying while being jammed, counter-drone systems, building drones, and managing battery packs. Graduates of the course are certified as master trainers, allowing them to train others in drone operations.

The Breakdown 

The RUSIC program is a six-week course within the Army's John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School.

The course includes learning drone regulations, flying while being jammed, operating counter-drone systems, building drones, and managing battery packs.

The program addresses the need for master trainers in Army special operations, as there are currently very few individuals with this designation.

The course covers both program-of-record drones and commercial drones, as well as ground robots modified for specific purposes.