The Bottom Line Upfront

Advancements in next-generation technologies like AI and unmanned systems have significant implications for modern warfare, with evidence showing that near-peer adversaries are also investing in these capabilities.

The Breakdown

  • The Department of Defense (DOD) has introduced the Joint All-Domain Command & Control (JADC2) concept to enhance multi-domain communications and maintain electromagnetic spectrum superiority. However, the lack of a clear definition or standard for resilient communications poses a risk to realizing JADC2.
  • Resilient communications are crucial for operational elements of a modernized fighting force, and as threats in the Indo-Pacific region increase, the need for robust and secure communication systems becomes even more important.
  • The lack of a common definition for resilient communications hinders progress in the development and deployment of next-generation technologies. DOD-wide engagement and collaboration are necessary to establish a clear target and accelerate innovation in this area.