Chinese scientists at Harbin Engineering University are working on technology that uses lasers to propel submarines at speeds nearly as fast as a jet engine. 

The submarines would be coated in thin optical fibers that emit laser power, producing up to 70,000 newtons of thrust. This advancement could potentially give China an edge in the submarine arms race and increase the underwater range of projectiles.

The Break Down 

The development of laser-propelled submarines could revolutionize underwater warfare, allowing for faster and more stealthy submarines.

 If successful, China's advancements in submarine technology could challenge the dominance of the United States in this field.

 The use of lasers for propulsion and supercavitation could have significant implications for the future of underwater weapons technology.
Supercaviation is the use of a cavitation bubble to reduce the skin friction drag on a submerged object, making it able to go faster. Learn more about supercaviation through this breakdown by the University of Minnesota.