The Bottom Line Upfront

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) has announced the dissolution of the Strategic Support Force (SSF), a unit responsible for Space, cyber, and electronic warfare missions. The SSF will be replaced by three new forces: the Aerospace Force, Cyberspace Force, and Information Support Force.

The Breakdown

This reorganization reflects the PLA's efforts to address the shortcomings of the SSF and improve its capabilities in Space, cyber, and information warfare. The Chinese leader Xi Jinping likewise is looking for ways to shake up the Chinese military and rethink strategies to"win future wars."

  • The PLA has established three new co-equal forces to replace the SSF: the Aerospace Force, Cyberspace Force, and Information Support Force.
  • The Aerospace Force will take over the space mission previously handled by the SSF's Space Systems Department.
  • The Cyberspace Force will focus on cyber attack, defense, and espionage missions.
  • The Information Support Force will handle the construction and application of an integrated network information system.
  • The dissolution of the SSF suggests that the PLA's reforms in 2015 did not achieve the desired efficiencies and may have created unnecessary bureaucracy.
  • The new structure resembles the pre-reform PLA structure, where different missions were controlled by separate departments directly subordinate to the Central Military Commission (CMC).
  • The reforms also demonstrate the PLA's willingness to assess its shortcomings and make changes when necessary.

The Backdrop

China proceeds with its warfighting strategy restructuring changes amid growing global tensions and shared concerns over mutual interests. On April 22, China and the United States met to discuss these mutual interests at the Western Pacific Naval Symposium, a meeting that has been regularly scheduled since 1987.

China's growing power display comes amid its participation international meeting that discussed ways to preserve safe and responsible operations, as well as amid its ongoing escalating disputes with South China Sea neighbors over disputed shoals, islands, and China's claim to sovereignty over Taiwan.