Dallas-based hedge fund manager Kyle Bass alleges that the Chinese government hacked his email account in retaliation for his comments about a secret Chinese military Space station base in Argentina, used to steer hypersonic weapons over the pole.

The alleged hacking incident highlights the potential cyber warfare tactics used by nations to silence or retaliate against individuals who expose sensitive information.

The Breakdown

Bass quoted an article on X that discussed a secret space station base in Argentina, which the Chinese military allegedly uses for guiding hypersonic weapons.

The Chinese government reportedly breached Bass's Microsoft Exchange account and sent 6,000 emails from his account containing a malware-laden Dropbox link.

Wider Implications

The article Bass quoted suggests that the Space station in Argentina has a military role in tracking missiles and satellites in the southern hemisphere.

U.S. Ambassador to Argentina, Marc Stanley, expressed surprise at Argentina allowing Chinese armed forces to operate a base on its territory.