NASA administrator Bill Nelson testified before the House Appropriations Committee, expressing concern about China's Space capabilities and their potential military objectives. He emphasized the need for vigilance and urged China to use civilian space for peaceful purposes.

The Bottom Line Upfront 

Nelson issued a stark warning about China's space activities, suggesting that Beijing might be disguising its military ambitions as civilian space programs. Speaking to the House Appropriations Committee, Nelson emphasized the secretive nature of China’s advancements in space technology over the last decade, expressing concerns that China’s civilian space initiatives could be serving military purposes. 

The Breakdown

The United States and China are actively pursuing lunar missions. 

The U.S. is planning a return moon landing in 2026 through the Artemis III mission.

China is targeting human lunar exploration by 2030. 

Nelson urged the U.S. Congress to maintain vigilance and prioritize Space leadership to prevent potential territorial claims by China on lunar resources, highlighting the ongoing Space race between the two nations.