The Bottom Line Upfront

The United States military is being urged to find cheaper solutions for neutralizing drones as the costs of firing anti-drone weapons and munitions are deemed too high, according to an official from the US Department of Defense. Currently, efforts to take down hostile unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) cost over $100,000 per shot, prompting the need for more cost-effective alternatives.

The Breakdown

  • The high costs of neutralizing drones with current anti-drone weapons are unsustainable for the US military, highlighting the need for more affordable solutions to address the increasing threat posed by UAVs.
  • The US Army has recently ordered 600 Coyote drone interceptors from Raytheon, which are reusable and can help save costs in countering UAVs.
  • Laser-guided counter-drone systems will soon be deployed to US forces in the Middle East to combat the proliferation of drone threats.
  • The US military has already deployed 50-kilowatt laser weapons to the region for testing their practicality in real-world scenarios.
  • The US military is actively seeking cheaper ways to neutralize drones due to the rising costs associated with current anti-drone weapons. By exploring alternative solutions, such as reusable interceptors and laser-guided systems, the military aims to mitigate the financial burden while effectively countering the increasing drone threat.